Welcome to study of Sanskrit !!

A. What is Learning a Language ?

  • There are three skills to be acquired in learning a language – Speaking, Reading and Writing.
  • The sequence in which the skills are acquired by a child are in the same sequence as above, i.e. Speaking, Reading and Writing. This method is called as method of DIRECT learning. I know a Tamil boy, who could not read or write Tamil. So, when he would be in Tamilnadu, he would converse fluently in Tamil. Yet whenever he would want to go from one place to another by bus, he would have to necessarily ask somebody, where a particular bus would be going to. In direct method, one may be able to speak a language for years and yet would not know the literary beauty and richness of literature available in the language.
  • In DISTANCE learning, the sequence has to be reading, writing, speaking.
  • In both methods, the reading skill implies that one would be able to read a text, maybe, even without understanding any meaning, at least initially.
  • The writing and speaking skills imply that one is able to compose one’s thoughts and also express them.
  • Most languages have a colloquial style of speaking. The colloquial style is often quite loose and permissive in grammatical accuracy. But writing in a language may not be so permissive.
  • Writing skills are again of two types, writing prose and writing poetry.
  • I thought that at this site I may cater to developing all the skills of learning a language. But as my own thought-processes developed, I thought it good to have other separate blogs, especially one for grammar, viz. https://grammarofsanskrit.wordpress.com/  another as a simple course for learning Sanskrit https://simplesanskrit.wordpress.com/ yet another based on textbooks of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, expecially the Bhavan’s exams – Balabodha and Prarambha
  • Then I have other blogs related to study of various subjects for which astounding knowledge has been propounded by Rishis and Munis. It may interest the readers to browse through (1) on Maths https://ganitabhyas.wordpress.com/ (2) on Astronomy and Astrology https://jyotirvigyaanam.wordpress.com/ (3) about miscellaneous thoughts http://samskrutacharchaa.wordpress.com/  (4) on Upanishad’s https://upanishat.wordpress.com/ where I have not made much progress, maybe, because of (5) on study of GitA https://study1geetaa2sanskrit.wordpress.com/
B. Why Learn Sanskrit ?
B-1 Sanskrit and Geetaa
  • Sanskrit literature has a very, very rich treasure of poetry. Entire mahaabhaaratam महाभारतम् is all poetry of 100,000 verses! So are raamaayaNam रामायणम् and bhaagavatam भागवतम् -all epics!
  • Possibly, the most talked about literature in Sanskrit is the Geetaa, rather Shreemad-Bhagavad-Geetaa. So, no speaking of Sanskrit can be complete without speaking of Geetaa. It is actually a part of महाभारतम्
  • Why speaking of Geetaa is important and valuable, is best quoted from experiences around the world.
  • About the year 1873, reminiscing of his discovery of the Geeta, Emerson wrote to Max Muller, pre-eminent Indologist and Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford, “…I owed – my friend and I owed – a magnificent day to the Bhagavat Geeta. It was the first of books; it was as if an empire spake to us, nothing small or unworthy, but large, serene, consistent, the voice of an old intelligence …”.
  • The Geeta that Emerson had read, was given to him by Carlyle. It was a rendering by Charles Wilkins (1783). The translation had been sponsored by Warren hastings, Governor General of India (1774-85), administrator of an enslaved nation, which nevertheles in some corner of his mind he must have admired, for, he wrote in his preface: “The writers of Indian philosophies will survive when the British dominion in India shall long have ceased to exist, and the sources which it yielded of wealth and power are lost to remembrance.”
  • Much of that philosophy is written in Sanskrit. Though a great deal has been translated in the centuries since Hastings, it is a great and particular pleasure to be able to read it in the original.
  • Most people would hence like to learn Sanskrit to be able to understand and benefit from Geetaa, maybe, even with their own interpretation.
B-2 Exalted Respect for Sanskrit in Indian Culture
Literally, Sanskrit means “refined”. In India Sanskrit has from time immemorial occupied an exalted position in the national consciousness, for this was the medium, par excellence, that gave expression and wings to her characteristic genius. Her sages, bards, philosophers and grammarians, men and women of immense intellectual and spiritual attainment, the creators of her epic poetry and scriptures chose this language to bring forth before the world the fruits of
  • their extraordinary penance and perceptions,
  • the strength and power of “mantras”, by which they could command even the elements
  • their extraordinary discoveries in all fields of knowledge – the Saankhya (mathematics, logic, philosophy, management-sciences, etc.), Nyaaya (social justice), Meemaansaa (the art and science of analysis and commentating, Yoga, self-realisation and communion with God, grammar, ayurveda, dance and drama (entertainment at large), astronomy and astrology, governance comprehensively political, economic, defense, et al, grammar, ayurveda, dance and drama (entertainment at large), astronomy and astrology, military strategies, arms and armaments, etc. etc.
That which is encompassed in the phrase, “Ancient Indian Culture and Civilisation” comes to us for the most part in Sanskrit. A sign of respect that Sanskrit is accorded in India is evident from other names, by which it is known – “deva-vaaNee”, “geervaaNa vaaNee” and “sura-bhaaratee”, all of which loosely translate to mean “the speech of God”.
People around the world also want to learn Sanskrit to partake of that culture and civilisation and experience some of that divine benevolence, which always focused on universal good.
C. About Sanskrit
C-1 Vedic Sanskrit and Classical Sanskrit
The name Sanskrit occurs for the first time in the poetry of the Classical period in Vaalmikee’s raamaayaNam. In the sundarakaaNDam, Hanumaan fears that if he were to address Seetaa in Sanskritised or refined language, as a braahmaNa might be wont to do, she would suspect him of being raavaNa in disguise (raavaNa was an accomplished Brahmin himself. That is the basis of the doubt and fear, that churned up in Hanuman’s mind):
यदि वाचं प्रदास्यामि द्विजातिरिव संस्कृताम् ।
रावणं मन्यमाना मां सीता भीता भविष्यति ॥
yadi vaachaM pradaasyaami dvijaatiriva saMskRutaam
raavaNaM manyamaanaa maaM seetaa bheetaa bhaviShyati
The literature of Vedic Sanskrit comprising principally of the four veda’s – Ruk, yajur saama and atharva – as well as the later braahmaNa’s and upaniShad’s belongs to the oral tradition. Entire texts, memorised with meticulous care bestowed on the proper stress, accent and enunciation of each syllable, were handed down in this way by preceptors of one generation to pupils of the next in an unbroken chain over the millenia.

“Classical Sanskrit”, an evolutionary development of the “vedic Sanskrit” dates from about 500 BCE. The divergence of the spoken language of the priestly class of this period from the older language was presumably a matter of concern, because the efficacy of the vedic mantra’s – invocations to Gods – was thought to depend upon their letter-perfect recital. This gave impetus to grammatical researches, the like of which had never before, nor for many centuries afterwards, been seen anywhere else in the world. PaaNinee the author of aShTaadhyaayee the definitive grammar of classical Sanskrit, which dates from about this time makes mention of ten grammarians who preceded him, but whose works are lost to us.

aShTadhyaayee is a collection of about 4,000 sUtra’s or pithy aphorisms, that like all of the literature that preceded it, was orally composed and orally transmitted. Considering that the subject, the sUtra’s deal with is about words and their relationships, they represent an unparalleled achieveent of the human intellect, in that they comprehensively, accurately and unambiguously define the grammar of Sanskrit, without recourse to symbols. Bright crystals of surpassing clarity, honed and polished to perfection, they are the distilled wisdom of paaNinee and his predecessors, the culmination of their thinking on the language and the usage of words for the conveyance of meaning.

सूत्रम् sUtram = thread

“A hint is enough for an understanding, inquisitive mind” seems to be the logic.

The aShTadhyaayee (aShTa = eight adhyaayaH = chapter) as its name implies consists of eight chapters, each of which is divided into four sections called paada’s. sUtra’s in one paada range from seventy or so in one to several hundred in another. Also, the sUtra’s are of unequal lengths. Here are two examples of paaNinee’s style –

बहुषु बहुवचनम् (1- 4-21)

bahuShu bahuvacanam

द्व्येकयोर्द्विवचनैकवचने (1-4-22)


The numbers in parantheses refer to Chapter, paada and sUtra respectively.

The first sUtra declares that when many (more than two) things are to be referred to, plural forms must be employed. The second sUtra declares that singular or dual forms are to be used when the allusion is to one or two.

sUtra 1-4-22 exhibits a characteristics of Sanskrit words – their inordinate capability to combine to form words of such length, that they may appeal to be seemingly impossible in any other language.

In Meghdootam, great poet Kaalidaas composed a complete 17-syllable long line of a verse by just one word.

बाह्योद्यानस्थितहरशिरश्चन्द्रिकाधौतहर्म्या ।

to be read as “baahyo-dyaana-sthita-hara-shirash-chandrikaa-dhouta-harmyaa”.  It is a description of the city, Alkaa-nagaree described as “(the city), where the mansions get the splendour of moonlight from the crescent on the head of Shiva, who is sitting in the garden on the outskirts”. Look at the number of words in the English translation for just one word in Sanskrit! What more, all the syllables fit into the demands of their desired weightages, desired for the meter Mandaakraantaa, the weightages being 2-2-2, 2-1-1, 1-1-1, 2-2-1, 2-2-1, 2, 2

Isn’t all this so very charming, astounding, rich, glorious, entertaining and enjoyable!!

A hearty Welcome to the study of Sanskrit – “saMskRutaadhyayanam” !!

(This author is indebted to quite some information obtained from www.sanskrit-lamp.org)

59 thoughts on “Welcome to study of Sanskrit !!

  1. महोदयः
    आपला हा ब्लॉग अतिशयच उपयुक्त आहे, परंतू तो इंग्रजी बरोबरच मराठीतही असला तर फारच उपकार होतील.

    1. श्रीमान् संजय नाईक,
      आपल्या अभिप्रायाबद्दल धन्यवाद.
      आपली सूचना सुद्धा विचारणीय आहे. जितक्या अधिक भाषांमध्ये अशी साधनसामग्री उपलब्ध होईल, तितक्या जास्त लोकांत संस्कृतची आवड निर्माण होईल. जितकें अधिक संस्कृत, तितका समाजच अधिक सुसंस्कृत आचार विचारानी समृद्ध होईल. म्हटलंच आहे ना, “अधिकस्य अधिकं फलम्”
      श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।

    1. Thanks for visiting the blog.
      I shall keep posting my lessons on my blog as and when they get ready.
      Large number of people are interested in the lessons.
      You will appreciate that it will be difficult to make too big an addresses’ folder and send lessons individually.
      You will also appreciate that doing that will distract my time and focus from my main mission.
      Please do follow my blog.
      Thanks, again.
      शुभमस्तु ।

  2. How do we say “the first love is sweetest but the first cut is deepest” in sanskrit


  3. Namaste Abhyankarji,

    I am very very interested in learning Samskrita language. I have studied Hindi & Marathi as my subjects in school & hence I can follow the script. I happened to visit your blog while following ‘Learning Sanskrit by Fresh approach’ thread on Samskrita site.

    This seems to be the solution to my wish to learn the language. I will ardently follow your blog and catch up with the earlier lessons.


  4. Hello Abhyankarji,

    Good day!Greeting to your wisdom on the beauty of the sanskrit language. May I know what advice can you dispense or give to someone like myself who is about to learn Sanskrit for the first time?

    Saddhu and namaste,

    1. Dear Mr. Alex Long, (प्रिय “एलेक्स लोन्ग”- महोदय)

      I am too small a person to give an advice. In fact my lessons on “Learning Sanskrit by a fresh approach” are more the lessons for my own re-learning Sanskrit for myself. I thought it good to share my re-learning experiences on the web. That has helped me immensely. And I am happy that learned people like Mr. Piergiorgio Muzi endorse them to be helpful to others also.

      There is a ‘good saying’ – a subhaaShitam सुभाषितम् which says of the wealth of knowledge that, knowledge is such wealth which increases by sharing ! I am enjoying that experience.

      But my lessons assume that people who wish to start off with my lessons will be conversant with the devanAgarI script देवनागरी लिपि: also.

      I strongly believe that learning any new language, or learning any new subject for that matter, should be a sincere, thorough exercise. So, one should learn the script also as an important and essential aspect of learning a new language.

      And believe me, devanAgarI script देवनागरी लिपि: also is very scientifically, thoughtfully structured, just as the language. It is a phonetic script. So, what you say, so you write. Once you know the script, you would speak also correctly. It would not need learning spellings. That is some difficulty with language like English. In English the vowel ‘a’ has different pronunciations in words like ‘far’, ‘fat’, ‘fall’, ‘fair’ and even similar pronunciations but different spellings as in ‘fair’ and ‘fare’. No such confusion whatever in devanAgarI script देवनागरी लिपि:

      So my humble suggestion would be that do not mind the pains, if any, of learning the script also.
      With that, you would have taken a very firm first step forward to enter the rich, cultured world of Sanskrit.
      At every step, you will keep realizing, “Oh, how beautiful ! How wonderful !! How magnificent !!!”
      Knowledge of Sanskrit will be an exalting experience, forever, for all your life.
      It does not have to be me to assure you of that. You will realize it by yourself and you will like all your near and dear ones, present ones and future ones, to also partake in that sheer unadulterated joy and pleasure.
      One, who got the motivation to learn Sanskrit is a blessed soul. You are a blessed soul, Mr. Alex ! Enjoy the blessings !!
      Welcome to the enthralling world of Sanskrit !!
      Very cordially,
      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”
      blog संस्कृताध्ययनम् – https://slabhyankar.wordpress.com
      blog “SLEZ” http://slezall.blogspot.com

  5. I am so amazed with this so great work of yours that I am passing my eyes over all pages I can of this your web. Fantastic. I don’t use to say this, even I use to be against, but if forty years ago I had in my hands a document as this one, I did not had dispersed so much for to learn Sanskrit.
    My strong congratulation but, above at all, my strong thank you.
    Yonathan Rey

  6. Dear Sir,

    I have been self studying Sanskrit at home for about a year, and not making much
    I have just discovered your website and I would like to start with it at lesson 1,
    how do I go about this please?
    Where do I register and is there a fee?
    Thank You,
    Robert Arber

    1. Dear Mr. Robert Aber,
      There is no fee.
      Everyone interested in Sanskrit is welcome to browse and study the lessons.
      Any comments and suggestions will also be welcome.
      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  7. Dear Sir, Iam so very happy in visiting this blog. I accidentally landed up here when i was looking out meaning for the song which is composed in Sanskrit. And moreover iam learning Carnatic Music currently and this site is going to help me so much i just dont know how to thank you Sir… 🙂 since most of Carnatic songs are in Sanskrit… hmm… just wondering if you can help me out (give me some directions on how to search for the meaning) with the song that i have got it with me….


    1. Dear Sowmya,

      I would love to decipher meaning of what Sanskrit song you have.
      Just last week I had an opportunity to decipher meaning of a Sanskrit song in a Marathi drama “Sangeet Soubhadra”.

      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

      1. Iam so inspired looking at this blog.

        This is a such a big initiativeness that you have taken I just can’t find words to say further 🙂

        When we render a song the feeling that the song invokes is so important which i thnk can be acquired when we understand the meaning of the song so that we do a justice to the composer.After visiting this blog i have gained a little bit confidence by doing following your lessons & exercises i will be able to do more.

        I have got some suggestions.

        1)When i was going thru our lessons – Is there a way that we can hear the audio of “how to pronounce the letter/words”?

        2)It will be very motivating if we have some online tests are conducted after a set of lessons & exercise are done 🙂

        how do i type in Sanskrit when i reply Sir?

        धन्यवाद, 🙂 (this word i tried in google search and then copied & pasted it here)

  8. Dear Sir,

    Thank you very much for offering this help.

    I have got this song sung by Yesudas in mp3 but iam just wondering if i can send it you – pls advise.

    Please look below for the song’s lyrics:

    Raaamaaaaaa……Raaaamaaaaaaa…… raamaaaaaaaa…
    Jaanaki jaane raamaa, jaanaki jaane …..
    kadanavidhanam naa hum jaane,
    mokshakavaadam naa hum jaane..

    jaanaki jane…raamaaaaaa..raaamaaaa..raama..raama.. jaanaki jaane..raama…(rep)

    vishaada kaale sakha tvameva.. bhayaandhakare prabha tvameva
    vishaada kaale sakha tvameva.. bhayaandhakare prabha tvameva

    bhavabdhinauka twameva deva..
    bhavabdhinauka twameva deva..

    bhaje bhavantham ramabhi rama..
    bhaje bhavantham ramabhi rama..

    jaanaki jane..

    dayaasametha sudhaaniketha, chinmakarandha nathamunivrunda..
    dayaasametha sudhaaniketha, chinmakarandha nathamunivrunda..

    aagamasaaara, jithasamsaaara.. aaaa…aaaaa…aaa….
    aagamasaaara, jithasamsaaara.. aaaa…aaaaa…aaa….

    bhajebhavantham manobhi ramaa
    bhajebhavantham manobhi ramaa

    jaanaki jaane… raama jaanaki jaane..
    kadanavidhanam naa hum jaane,
    mokshakavadam naa hum jaane..

    jaanaki jane..

    Thanks in advance.


    1. नमो नमः “सौम्या”-महोदये ! Would the MP3 of the song available on the net, say at You-Tube or some place ? Then we need not be worried of the memory size of the song for your sending it as an attachment.

      From what you have also scripted, the song is not just Sanskrit. It seems to be a mixture of Hindi and Sanskrit. All the lines having “…naa hum jaane…” are Hindi. Some translations are detailed in bold blue color below.

  9. dear sir,
    i am glad to visit to your site. I studied sanskrit 25 years back. Your site helps me to recollect the usage of sanskrit sentenses

  10. i am very keen in studying sanskrit , though i have done quite a lot in my college days. I am now in Uk and i visit chennai every year for 4 months dec – march. Where can i find all the other lessons? One of my friend does teach DYLL all languages. (on-line). But i prefer your way. But i need to follow all the previous lessons.Is it possible to meet u in Chennai? I have attended spoken sanskrit class in chennai in feb. I would like to teach sanskrit here as well…but i need to follow a pattern. Dr. Prabhu Sastry in london has just conducted a 10 day course in the Bhavan…for which i could not go. I live up north of london.

    1. नमो नमः “मीना सुंदरेशन्”-महोदये ! भवत्याः संस्कृतभाषाम् प्रति रुचिः स्पृहणीया अस्ति । मम पद्धतिः भवत्यै रोचते एतदपि मह्यं समाधानकारकम् खलु । भारतदेशे मम वास्तव्यम् मुम्बापुर्याम् भवति । चेन्नै-नगरे आगमनम् कदाचिदेव भवति । सर्वे पाठाः जालपुटे एव सन्ति । Archives-तले प्रत्येकस्य मासस्य उपरि “क्लिक्” कृत्वा तस्मिन् मासे उपरीकृतानाम् पाठानाम् पठणम् सहजम् भवति । यदि कस्मिंश्चित् मासे कतिपयाः पाठाः सन्ति, तर्हि पृष्ठस्य निम्नतमे स्थले “Older posts” इति सूचना दृश्यते । तत्र “क्लिक्” कृत्वा सर्वान् पाठान् पठितुम् शक्यम् भवति । सस्नेहम् , अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः | “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।” https://slabhyankar.wordpress.com http://slezall.blogspot.com

  11. Wonderful site and great work!!!

    I know and read Samskrit a little bit but get stuck at some places. Would it be Ok if I seek some guidance. Right now, I have two..What is meaning of Pulind (as in Radha adhar madhu miling jayajay,…. kalindi tata pulind lanchhit ).. What is meaning of Nilimp as in Shiv Tandav Staotra.. nilimp nirzari..

    Will be really grateful if you can help me.

    1. नमो नमः !
      “पुलिन्द”-शब्द-विषयिकः भवतः प्रश्नः पूर्वमपि “अगस्त”-मासे मम “जी-मेल”-व्यवहारे चर्चितः आसीत् । तस्य विवरणस्य कश्चिदंशः निम्नमिव अस्ति । पश्यताम् ।
      निलिम्प-शब्द-विषये स्वतन्त्रतया विचारयितव्यम् । शिव-ताण्डव-स्तोत्रे कः अस्य शब्दस्य सन्दर्भः खलु ? यदि संबन्धितं श्लोकं भवान् ज्ञापयति तत् सुष्ठु भवेत् ।
      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

      1. नमो नम: अभ्यंकर महोदय,

        शिवताण्डवस्तोत्र में ‘निलिम्प’ शब्द श्लोक २ और ८ में आता है:

        जटाकटाहसंभ्रमभ्रमन्निलिम्पनिर्झरी ।
        विलोलवीचिवल्लरीविराजमानमूर्द्धनि ।
        किशोरचंद्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं ममं ॥२॥

        नवीनमेघमंडली निरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुर-
        त्कुहु निशीथिनीतमःप्रबद्धबद्धकन्धर: ।
        निलिम्पनिर्झरिधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिन्धुरः
        कलानिधानबन्धुर श्रियं जगद्धुरन्धर: ॥८॥

        Monier के संस्कृत शब्दकोष में निलिम्प का अर्थ मरुत् और निलिम्पनिर्झरी का अर्थ गङ्गा दर्शाया है. इस ब्लॉग के दूसरे पाठकों के लाभ हेतु मुद्गल कोष कि लिंक दे रहा हूँ . यह कोष अपने कम्प्यूटर में डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है, http://www.aupasana.com/software/kosha

        आप एक बहुत ही प्रसंशनीय कार्य कर रहे हैं. आपको को मेरे शत शत प्रणाम.


      2. नमस्ते संदीप-महोदय !
        सुष्ठु उद्धृतौ भवता पञ्चचामरवृत्ते रचितात् शिव-ताण्डव-स्तोत्रात् द्वौ श्लोकौ । शिवस्य ताण्डवं वर्णितुं पञ्चचामरवृत्तम् अतिसमीचीनम् । विषयानुसारेण समीचीनस्य वृत्तस्यापि चयनं कुर्वन्ति कवयः । ज्ञातुमिच्छामि यदि इदम् स्तोत्रम् आदिशन्कराचार्येण रचितमस्ति ।
        मया तु http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?tinput=nilimpa&direction=SE&link=yes&choice=yes एतस्मिन् जालपुटे निलिम्प शब्दस्य (1) f. cow, (2) m. God (3) m. troop of marut-s इति त्रयः अर्थाः प्राप्ताः । अस्तु ।
        Monier महाभागस्य संस्कृत-शब्दकोषम् प्राप्तुं एकस्य जालपुटस्य निर्देशः भवता प्रेषितः । भवतः सहृदयतायै धन्यवादाः खलु ।
        अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
        “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  12. Hari Om!


    mama nAma asti magesh.

    My name is Magesh. I have recently begun learning sanskrit by distance mode. I am blessed to have spotted your website. God bless you for this wonderful service. I havent looked in detail but feel overwhelmed with the materials. You have indeed organised it very well.

  13. Thank you very much Sir,
    you are doing great work. i know hind as well Sanskrit (very little i have red in my school days). after looking at your blog i have decided to spend my free time reading here.
    I love reading subhaaShitam. I will surely follow you lessons.

    Thank you for the lessons.

  14. hellooo….
    please give me some tips on how to write a few lines on myself……its urgent..
    i m a student of tenth standard and its a class activity…reply soon..

    1. Dear Riddhima,

      I would suggest that you should first write your thoughts, the lines, in a language, in which you are naturally comfortable. In the next step you can attempt to translate them into Sanskrit.

      It does not sound good to expect another person to compose and write the basic thoughts also for you.

      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  15. Namaste Abhyankarji
    I am a gujrati speaking sanskrit learner age 50 , educated by the british in UK learning sanskrit is a way of freeing my thoughts for i find english very restricted. I am memorising the the geeta in sanskrit.
    Learning sanskrit is important because english is rooted in sanskrit. Without sanskrit many if not all english words loose true meaning. To the indian mind this might sound odd but english is a dhoor atma bhasya unlike sanskrit. Let me give eg. ATMA ATOM ADAM are one word. in eng. MAN MINE MIND are not connected by the english until you learn sanskrit. when MANU MANAS are root word for MAN. so sanskrit is much more. Also GEETA was made popular by the british
    because is resembled their bible, but other vedic literature is as important and i see it as a mission to revive all vedic learning from hindu perspective but to my shame i only know english which i am eager to stop speaking like the father of the nation gandiji. writing this is painful for all the nonsense spelling and sounds etc in english

    1. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “जयेश”-महोदय ! Your comment arouses a curiosity in my mind. Did Gandhiji really give up speaking in English ? Since he had to interact with the British all through his life, I don’t think he could have done that 100%.

      If he did that in his interactions with and among Indians, which language did he choose to speak in ? May be he chose Hindi (?) May be he would have liked to choose Sanskrit 🙂 But, I guess, he could not do that, because he always spoke to the masses. So, he had to choose a language in which he could speak to the masses.

      But he had great interest in all Sanskrit literature. In fact I cherish his little book “Discourses on the Geeta”, originally in Gujarati with the title “Geetaa-bodh”. He gives some original thoughts of very enlightening perspective !

      On the whole, the lesson from Bapuji is to adopt the language, which is relevant for a given instance. Since English is the language for most International communications and I had it in mind to propagate “Good sayings” सुभाषितानि in Sanskrit to the International audience, I present studies of select Sanskrit verses giving meanings, syntax, translations and comments in English.

      I hope, you appreciate the logic.

      सस्नेहम् , अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः | “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  16. प्राप्तुमिच्छामि प्रतिदिने नूतनाध्याय: ।


    मला रोजच्या रोज संस्कृत पाठ मिळविण्यासाठी काय करावे लागेल ?

    मोहन लेले

    1. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “मोहन लेले”-महोदय !
      आपली सूचना प्रोत्साहन देणारी आहे. त्याबद्दल धन्यवाद !
      आपण आत्ता “Welcome to study of Sanskrit !!” एवढाच भाग वाचलात कीं पुढील पाठ देखील पाहिलेत ? आजमितीस ८७ पाठ झाले आहेत.
      शिवाय आजच “गीतेचा आणि संस्कृतचा मिळून अभ्यास” असा नवीन उपक्रम http://study1geetaa2sanskrit.wordpress.com/ ह्या फोरमवर सुरूं केला आहे. तोदेखील पहावा. मला वाटते तोही आपल्याला आवडेल.
      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”
      स्थापित-दूरभाष-क्रमाङ्कः +91 22 2849 5365
      चलितभाष-क्रमाङ्कः +91 98330 72044

  17. Respected Abhyankarji,

    At 65, making an attempt to learn the “Deva Basha” appears queer to myself.But my desire to learn, at least the basics such a great language, is very intense. Left with a great doubt of how many years are still left for me in this world, I wonder whether my attempt is really sane. Despite my doubts, I am starting my lessons with the fond hope that God will be kind enough to give an opportunity to continue the present learning in my next janma.

    Words fail me to describe adequately the great service you have ventured to do for the humanity.

    With best regards

    1. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “गोपाल-रामस्वामी”-महोदय !
      On reading your message, comes to mind a सुभाषितम् –
      “अजरामरवत् प्राज्ञः विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् ।”
      When thinking of acquiring knowledge, one should not worry about age. The सुभाषितम् says, “As far as acquiring knowledge is concerned, think that you are never going to be afflicted by any malady and death is going to be far away.”
      सस्नेहम् ,
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  18. I am close to seventy and thus far I only followed my destiny, never leading it myself. And during the journey in life I have seen things that amazed me and made me wiser by bits.

    Sanskrit language to me is the temple of God whom I don’t fully understand. I only believe it is flawless. Therefore, it is always satisfying to read good things people write about the language. As for the ancient Sanskrit texts, I believe they come from the mouth of saints and sages. Recently, I was deeply hurt reading an article by Deepa Sharma, पुरुष से ऊंचा स्‍थान है नारी का हिंदू परंपरा में? (http://www.pravakta.com/archives/12886) on an online Hindi magqzine. If you find time, please read the article and comment on Deepa Sharma’s interpretation of ancient texts in Sanskrit.

    1. नमो नमः श्रीमन् “प्रेम सिल्ही”-महोदय !
      भवता निर्देशितः लेखः तु मया पठित: । “दीपा शर्मा”-महोदयया बहुविधाः संदर्भाः उल्लेखिताः सन्ति । यतः मया तेषाम् सर्वाणां अध्ययनम् न कृतमस्ति तस्याः मतानां खण्डनं कर्तुं अहम् युक्तः नास्मि । एवंविधे विवादे समयस्यापि अपव्ययः भवति ।
      यदध्ययनं मया अङ्गीकृतमस्ति तस्मिन्नेव अहम् व्यग्रः अस्मि । अध्ययनम् तु सुष्ठु भवेत् इत्येव प्रयासः मम ।
      I did read the article by Deepa Sharma. She has given many references. Since I have not studied them, I am not eligible to comment. Again, indulging in such arguments causes fruitless expenditure of time and energy. I am happy being busy with the studies, which I have undertaken. May that be good and appropriate is all, what I wish.
      अस्तु ।
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  19. आदरणीय श्री मान एस.एल. अभ्यंकर जी, मैंने आपसे उपरोक्त प्रार्थना की थी| क्योंकि आपने कोई उत्तर नहीं दिया इस लिए मैं थोड़ा चिन्तित हूं और आशा करता हूं कि आप अवश्य कहीं और व्यस्त होंगे| कृपया प्रवक्ता.कॉम पर प्रस्तुत दीपा शर्मा का लेख पढ़ अपने विचार बताएं| मैं नहीं चाहता कि कोई संस्कृत में लिखे हिंदू शास्त्रों को कलंकित करने का शरारती प्रयास करे| ऐसे लेखों का वास्तविक स्पष्टीकरण व प्रमाणीकरण अवश्य होना चाहिए| क्योंकि आप संस्कृत के विद्वान हैं, मैं आपसे अनुरोध करूँगा कि आप कृपया इस विषय में अपना ध्यान दें| भवदीय, प्रेम

  20. I was suggested this blog by my cousin. I am no longer sure whether this publish is written by means of him as nobody else understand such specific about my difficulty. You’re wonderful! Thanks!

  21. Dear Sir,
    You blog is a true treasure for Sanskrit Lovers. I was wondering if you conduct any online sanskrit classes over the weekend etc. If so please let me know I would like to join that class. For a beginner your site is overwhelming. Out of excitement I surfed entire weekend without any clue. I think I will start going through them in serial order, thats how these lessons were originated. Thanks a million for all your hard work.


  22. I am new to Sanskrit although I have been attempting to learn this language for many years. For starters,I would like to ask what is the name of the Sanskrit font that u use, and if u have the link for me to download.
    The 2nd is, is there any youtube.com videos on learninig this language. Possibly someone who has started a series from ground zero. If u have even one url, please share with me.
    Thank u for a wonderful task.

    1. Dear Mr. Jegajothy,

      For writing in Sanskrit I use the frame available at http://www.google.com/transliterate/Sanskrit
      There could be you-tube videos for learning Sanskrit. I have not myself explored. But I had seen some videos at some websites themselves.

      One needs to really explore.
      सस्नेहम्, अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

  23. महोदय,
    मैं संस्कृत सीखना चाहता हूँ ।
    कृपया मुझे दिशा दें। मुझे संस्कृत
    सीखने केलिए किस प्रकार शुरू करना चहिए।

  24. from
    came to know about your efforts through an email from samskritabharati.I am interested in learning samskrit and would like get all the online study material(lesson 1 onwards) and any special lesson on grammar that you provide.

    1. नमस्ते श्रीमन् “आर्. एस्. चारी”-महोदय !
      There are quite a number of Sanskrit-learning works available on the internet. Mine is possibly ‘one more’. I also participate off and on, in forums such as http://learnsanskrit.wordpress.com I also have other blogs. Possibly http://simplesanskrit.wordpress.com and http://grammarofsanskrit.wordpress.com may also interest you.
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः |
      “श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।”

    1. नमस्ते !
      You can say, अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि anugRuheetosmi
      Note the symbol “ऽ” is silent, is not to be pronounced. It is a symbol, not a letter. अनुगृहीतोऽस्मि is actually formed by conjunction of two words अनुगृहीतः अस्मि
      अनुगृहीतः = blessed; one, who is favoured (one, who has received favours)
      अस्मि = I am
      अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः ।

  25. Sasneha Pranam Panditji,

    I am very happy to see you blog. Some time back i had this sudden urge to learn sanskrit after listening to a prabhashan by one of the pontiffs of Shri Kashimutt. It was a session which I attended unknowingly. And after listening to swamiji’s talks about the beautiful language and its versatility I fell in love with sanskrit.
    I have been reciting lot of suktas and stotras from my childhood without hardly knowing the meaning of what i am reciting. So i have started learning sanskrit by myself from lot of online material.
    But your compilation looks very very easy to grasp for me.

    Thanks a lot and appreciate the effort you have put in for compiling this.

    My humble prayers to Shri Hari and Shri Guru to shower their choicest blessings on you.

    Hardik Dhanyavad

    Rishikesh Shenoy

  26. On this Purnima day, pranams to you; I regret that I have not initiated my children in learning their
    mother tongue or sanskrit….Let me bathe in the nectar of your site, as it answers my inner quest…

    seetha iyer

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